Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Painting Tute 2 OSL

I am working on my second remote and thought I would explain as to how I paint the coloured lighting on my miniatures. When there is a element on a miniature that is supposed to illuminate light, we want to emphasis that light source with contrasts of shadow and highlights in the areas where the light would fall or beam too.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Paradiso Mission101 Battle Report

With the new book release we thought it would be the perfect time for our first battle report. So to this end we again drafted Yoshi in (mostly so we could shamelessly get pictures of his pretty minis and club's terrain), for a quick play through of the first mission. The Game was played between Josh(yoshi) using his Pan O, and Simon using Josh's Japanese Sectorial and the write up was done by Andrew  English Lewis. So a massive thanks to all those guys! - Noakes

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Forward Observer Episode 6

 Episode 6 ! In this episode we talk about the new release models for October, including the fantastic new box set for Aleph, the amazing new crusader brethren and the surprise stand out (crazy good value wise) the batroid! We then talk tactics - Hacking and give an in depth review on all the tomfoolery and shenanigans you can get up to on the table when you decide to give hacking a go. Then in our new segment "back to basics" we go over close combat, an often overlooked and sometimes confusing aspect of the game. Finally in our faction focus we review Combined Army, and give a 200 point starter list, and a 300 point list that has all the tricks!